Another small group today – nobody wants a chance at that over $700 attendance pot? That’s okay – better odds for those of us who do come!
“Rev. McGreevy” was AOL today, so Pres. Doug became “Rev/ Doug” for the day, and did a fine job of praying us in to dinner! Our guest today was Paul Stewart, Assistant Vice-President at Citizens Bank.
Lottery Master Jim Robinson had Paula draw a winning ticket, and awarded the small pot of $23 to the triumvirate of Joe Murtha/Marsha James/Doug Fisher. It seems to be that last week Murtha & McGreevy won the small pot, sitting at the check in table. Now Murtha & Fisher (plus Marsha) were sitting there and won – is there some hanky-panky at the check in table????? Luckily for the three of them, Marsha James only drew the Three of Hearts! The BIG POT of $734 went unclaimed, and will grow higher next week!
Pres. Doug neglected to cover this assignment until the last minute when Susan Aldridge was drafted. That’s okay, he got fined for it! In addition to the regular lottery fine, Marsha James was fined for “two-timing” her regular table group by throwing in with Murtha and Fisher. Several individuals were fined for not having their Pancake tickets with them, and almost EVERYONE was fined for not being present at the Fishing Day event and helping.
Birthdays – Pam Cote and Larry Menchoffer (two!)
Happy Bucks: Kathy Krumlauf paid for commercial time: sheets were passed out to remind individuals that it is time to re-assign their Kroger benefits to a chosen non-profit, and she asked them to consider HVCH Foundation; sponsorship forms for HVCH Foundation Garden Affair were distributed and the HVCH community exercise program was promoted. Jim Robinson donated a buck in hopes that Wisconsin would beat Duke in the March Madness Finals.
Damon Kuhn announced that all went well in spite of the weather and there is a $120 surplus this year. The State Park is attempting to get the access to Rose Lake improved so handicapped individuals can reach the lake and Damon is hoping the Club could contribute to this project. Also, he has learned that there are some benefits available through ODNR is there is a “Certified Fishing Instructor” at the event, so he is looking into taking the class for this certification. We wish him well!
Pancake Feast – all is in order, so SELL THOSE TICKETS!!
April 20th – Highway Clean Up. This is our 1st of the year clean up event and Dave Snipes reminds us that we need 16 members to complete the clean up effectively and efficiently. Clean Up is followed by dinner at Pizza Crossing. Please mark your calendars and make an effort to be at this community service project.
Future programs: 4/13 – Lucy Burcham; 4/20 – No meeting-Highway Clean Up; 4/27 – Steve Stirn; 5/4 – Pam Miller.
Today’s program was presented by Jim Rogers. Jim introduced Ms. Betty Young, Interim President at Hocking College to the club and asked her to share with us some of the recent developments at the college.
Betty is originally from this area (Marietta) and said being at Hocking College feels like coming home. In addition to serving at the Interim President, Betty is also a finalist for the position of President.
Betty gave us lots of interesting statistics about 2 year colleges and graduation rates, but overall, percentage-wise, more students complete their four year degree if they began at a two year college! Very interesting! Hocking College has stabilized their student population at 3500 this spring and they have balanced their budget, albeit with some very hard cuts.
Betty has been working very hard on better utilizing the Logan Campus of Hocking College. In addition to partnering with the Logan-Hocking Chamber of Commerce to provide office space and expanded programing for local business persons through the Chamber, Hocking College is planning many new programs for the Logan campus. Welding will be a new program brought to this campus, as well as “Mechatronics” – a training program for 21st century plant managers and maintenance personnel. They will also be introducing a course for Office Management and an STNA training class will be available here (required for anyone applying to the Hocking College nursing program).
Possible new courses of study being looked at for Hocking College include a Dental Hygienist program and Vet Tech training. The College will also be adding intercollegiate sports in order to offer students a more rounded collegiate experience. They will support teams in football, volleyball, basketball and archery. Works is continuing to create the new Corporate Retreat Center in place of the old Inn at Hocking College and they are now offering “Leisure Learning” opportunities through the College web site.
All this and many more things are happening at the new and improved Hocking College. Thanks to Betty and Jim for bringing us this wonderful program.