Luncheon 10-27-2014

Rotarian Larry Kienzle (left) introduced Rev. Heinz Raidel at this week’s Logan Rotary luncheon. Rev. Raidel from Emanuel Lutheran Church, Hide-A-Way Hills, was the speaker for the program.

Raidel is a second-career minister, having formerly been a teacher. He has a unique way of looking at his new career and life; he also admitted to an addiction to motorcycles. A recent road trip had him trailing an aging mini-van with a bumper sticker that tickled his psyche – it read “Who rescued who?” He challenged us all to think about the positive feelings we get each time we help someone or complete a project and realize that when we give – of our time, our talents or our money – we get so much more! While we are “rescuing” others, they are “rescuing” each of us by allowing us to feel the satisfaction of the job well done.

Raidel challenged us to remember to invite others to join our organization so that they, too, could be “rescued” and experience the positive energy of helping others. The Logan Ohio Rotary Club is comprised of local residents, business and professional persons dedicating their time, talents and efforts for the betterment of the community. Want to get involved or have an interest in joining Rotary, contact President Doug Fisher,

Posted in Newsletters.