9-22-2014 Luncheon

The first day of Autumn – and a lovely one, at that! Wish you had all been there!


Lottery Master Jim Robinson went into action and managed to have the small pot winning ticket for $13 drawn for the Kienzle table for the second week in a row – unfortunately, Larry Kienzle drew for the BIG POT of $421 and missed it by a whisker-he drew the King of Spades instead of the ACE! Maybe next week!


The Kienzle table occupants graciously donated their $13 small pot winnings back to the Club today.

Sgt. Larry picked on Susan Aldridge for having been gone so long, missing the Fair Gate duty and not mentioning Rotary in her advertising for Trucker’s Appreciation Week. Susan cried “uncle” and just threw him a $5!

Happy Bucks: John Smith was happy to report his son’s football team at Bexley is 4-0 so far this year; Mark Hamon is happy that his son is turning 10 this month; Doug Fisher is happy that Millersport is 4-0 this year; Bob Lilley decided to be happy to be back so he could afford a late fine; Andy McGhee chose to pay Larry to just go away; Jim Robinson remembered to be happy that one son will be 25 this month; Dick Brandt is happy to be celebrating his wife’s birthday this month, but refused to remember how old she is; Kathy Krumlauf was happy to have sponsored the Volley for the Cure fundraiser for LHS, and she had a chance to go to Cleveland and see her grandbabies this past weekend; Larry Menchoffer was happy to report to Larry Kienzel that he was late, and paid his fine!


President Doug gave a big “THANKX” to Bill Boone for attending the Rotary Foundation membership meeting this past weekend, in order for our Club to qualify for District grants this year.

Joy Davis passed around the sign up sheets for the Chili/Spaghetti Dinner on October 17 at LHS. The shifts are very short and we don’t need lots of people, so check your schedules and get signed up.

Andy McGhee asked that we all send business info and logos to him for inclusion on the Rotary web site (andy@loganinsurance.com).


One of the interesting tidbits of information about Rotary is how the organization got its name. When the Club was founded 110 years ago on February 23, 1905 by Paul Harris in Chicago, there were four men in attendance – a lawyer, a coal merchant, a promoter and a tailor. Initially, the club’s meetings were “rotated” between each member’s business – hence the name “Rotary”. As well, the significance of the name becomes apparent on examination of the original plan of the club, which provided for rotation in the place of meeting, the the chairmanship, and even in membership which was to be continued for one year only.

Future programs: 9/29 – Marsha James; 10/6 – Jake Hill; 10/13 – Columbus Day Holiday; 10/20 – Possible highway clean up; 10/27 – Larry Kienzle.


Today’s program was a really entertaining and enlightening program provided by Joe Murtha. He treated us to a slide show or historic pictures of Logan. Many were remembered, but many were eye-opening! Who knew Logan had so many grocery stores – and TWO shoe stores! Bush’s Restaurant used to be an A & W; Sharff’s current location was a bowling alley; the current Sunnyside Grocery was Howard’s Grocery; Dan Alder’s office used to be a frozen food locker business! Who knew?

Many thanks to Joe and to Tom Price, owner of the slides.

Posted in News, Newsletters.